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How Security Guards Can Benefit a Gated Community

March 25, 2023

Living in a gated community is a dream come true for many people. These neighborhoods are beautiful, quiet, and perfect for growing a family. However, a gated community can be susceptible to crime like any other neighborhood. As the manager or owner of a gated community, hiring a team of security guards is one of the best ways to ensure the community remains safe. Below is a discussion of how security guards benefit a gated community.

They Keep Track of Visitors

People in a gated community likely know each other and look out for strangers who might enter the area. While even the keenest neighbor may miss a stranger coming through the gates, a security team will monitor and catch every movement.

An on-site team of guards ensures that each visitor is there for a reason, and visitors will only get past the gate with sufficient identification. They will sign in each visitor, request vehicle registration information from all who park within, and ensure that the drivers adhere to the community guidelines.

They Constantly Patrol the Area

If you employ a team of guards, some team members will be at the community entrances keeping track of the visitors while others will patrol the grounds. Patrol guards are highly beneficial for communities because intruders are less likely to break in when they notice an area being monitored.

Furthermore, security guards usually undergo intensive training to ensure they recognize any suspicious activities and prevent crimes. They can stop anybody who attempts to breach the fence and enforce regulations surrounding issues such as pool use and smoking.

They Provide Real-Time Security

Security guards come in handy during an emergency, as they will arrive at the scene and diffuse the situation promptly. Some situations that require real-time responses include domestic issues, trespassing, littering, vandalism, and theft.

With the timely intervention of security guards, these issues are less likely to become severe. Since security guards are trained in crisis resolution, they understand how to diffuse tense situations, so these situations resolve quickly.

They Provide Effective Access Control

You can use automatic gates and other control access options to ensure security in a gated community. However, unprecedented challenges and flaws might arise with the function of such technological solutions that you may not anticipate.

For example, automatic gates may provide you with a real-time image of the situation, but you cannot address common problems such as tailgating on the spot. Furthermore, security equipment may get damaged from misuse, leaving you with a situation in which you cannot limit access. A security team on-site can easily handle these situations, as they provide an authoritative figure that can mandate rules on the spot.

They Help Raise the Community's Value

The value of gated communities varies greatly depending on different factors, including security. For example, a community with just gates might be valued less than one with gates and a security team.

Potential residents are more likely to consider living in the community with a security team than those with just a gate and are often willing to pay more for security. Having a security team within and outside the community can also help deter crime in the surrounding community, ensuring that the community's value stays up.

If you have considered hiring an onsite security team for your gated community, you are at the right place. At Spear Security, we provide security services for businesses, individuals, and communities. Whether you need a single guard for a night or need a team that provides round-the-clock security services, we can customize a solution for you. Contact us today for a consultation.

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